15 Proven Ways to Find More Happiness
Join the millions of people worldwide in the quest for happiness and discover that the small everyday things can create this wonderful feeling.
No matter what has happened to you, no matter what’s your present state, you deserve to be happy. You need to allow yourself to experience the warm feeling that makes your existence lighter, your life easier, and your mind, body, and soul aligned in a good state. Start building your happiness by practicing these new habits on a daily basis and you will see yourself and your life going through the transformation you always desired.
Do more of what you are doing right this moment- read more on happiness and ways to cultivate it. By delving in articles, books, blog posts and seeking new information you give yourself the powerful message “I want to change.” And that’s where every journey starts- when you realize that you want something different and you are ready for it.
Smile more. Make it a habit to smile more, starting first thing in the morning when you wake up and then during the day. Even if you don’t feel like smiling, do it anyways! Smiling is one of the best natural medicines for happiness- the act of pulling the mouth muscles to form a smile sends to the brain the command “be happy!” and the brain releases endorphins, the hormones of happiness.
Surround yourself with positive people. Stay away from negative people and toxic relationships. It’s simply not worth it. Even if you can’t avoid them altogether, learn to recognize them and have the minimum possible interaction. Remember it’s their problem, not yours, and you are only making a choice based on what they give you.
Appreciate the good. What’s going on in your life right now that’s good? It doesn’t matter how small it is. It could be anything that according to you is going well. Ignore what the others might think and don’t bother to do mind-reading or people-pleasing. Just concentrate on what’s good in your life now. Then cherish it and tend to it so that it grows.
Identify your own values. Not the values you were taught when you were a kid, or forced to accept at some point in your life. What do you find true, meaningful and of value in life? What is the right and just thing to do? What about faith, honesty, inner harmony, kindness, to give some examples? Are these important to you? If yes, voila! These are your values. Incorporate them in your life and exercise them whenever the situation requires it.
Make more optimistic thoughts. Do you tend to see the glass as half full or half empty? Make it a habit of yours to be an optimist. Stop making negative thoughts and thinking what’s the worst case scenario. Instead, try to make realistic thoughts and encourage yourself to find solutions or ways to deal with the problem at hand.
Find time to relax. Make sure you get enough sleep and enough downtime. Do you have a favorite relaxation technique? Try deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation to deal with the tension in your body, mind, and soul.
Do more of the things you love. What are some things that bring you joy and make your heart sing? Do more of these on a daily basis. Forget the excuses and the “I don’t have the time yet” and try to do more of what you love on a regular basis. Create a list of all these things, making room for more, and then get into the habit of engaging in these activities every day, even for a short time.
Notice and enjoy more the small pleasures of life. Maybe you are a coffee lover or a tea person, or chocolate can be your favorite thing. Instead of drinking your morning beverage thinking of your to-do-list, learn to stop and enjoy mindfully whatever you drink, eat, listen, or do. Learn to notice what’s the pleasurable experience of the moment and appreciate it. Chocolate anyone?
Step out of your comfort zone. The more you stay in your comfort zone thinking you are “safe and OK,” the more you ache for something more, something better, something different. Start light, by doing everyday things differently. If you are right-handed, brush your teeth in the morning with your left hand. Acknowledge your fear but reassure yourself that this is a feeling, not a fact. Make some snap decisions. Learn to give a different interpretation to the situations that worry or scare you. Acknowledge your fear, stand tall, and do it!
Find purpose. Are you a member of a group or community? By finding what you think is important and contributing to your individual well-being as well as that of others, you give your life purpose. Helping others, contributing to a good cause, taking small actions that in the long run they accumulate and have a bigger effect are all ways to find purpose in life.
Make more optimistic thoughts. Do you tend to see the glass as half full or half empty? Make it a habit of yours to be an optimist. Stop making negative thoughts and thinking what’s the worst case scenario. Instead, try to make realistic thoughts and encourage yourself to find solutions or ways to deal with the problem at hand.
Move about more. Scientific research links sedentary life to depression and low mood. On the contrary, study after study shows that when we engage in movement, even in simple walking, our brain starts releasing endorphins, the hormones of happiness. Try to walk 10,000 steps every day. Find what you like and engage in an exercise you enjoy at least three times per week.
Be open to change. Change is a part of life and whether you like it or not, it happens. No matter how careful one is to control things and avoid change, things just flow. The key is to be psychologically ready for change it, embrace it, and find the good and positive in it.
Imagine the best. When you wake up every day thinking that this is one of the same, one more boring, tough day-guess what? You are setting the mood and mode of the day. Learn to think more of the good possibilities that lay ahead of you, create the best case scenarios in your mind and then do one small step in that direction.